I'm sorry, did I order a word salad? I think you were supposed to deliver that to Deepak Chopra's table.
I've read your comment a dozen times now and I serriously have no idea what you're trying to say.
if there was no god we would not have an objective standard to tell the difference between red from blue.
who would determine what is red and what is blue if there was no god?
it would be chaos!
I'm sorry, did I order a word salad? I think you were supposed to deliver that to Deepak Chopra's table.
I've read your comment a dozen times now and I serriously have no idea what you're trying to say.
if there was no god we would not have an objective standard to tell the difference between red from blue.
who would determine what is red and what is blue if there was no god?
it would be chaos!
If there was no God we would not have an objective standard to tell the difference between red and blue. Who would determine what is red and what is blue if there was no God? It would be chaos! Anything would go. The colors would be whatever someone says they are. Really, who are we to say what the colors are? Thank goodness we have God to tell us the difference between red and blue . . .
If the above statement sounds completely moronic to you that's because it is. And substituting the words "red and blue" with the words "good and bad" makes the above paragraph no less stupid. There are real metrics we use to distinguish colors. Likewise, there are real metrics we use to distinguish good actions from bad actions. For colors its the wavelength of light. For morality its the well being of sentient creatures. Things that cause harm are bad. Things that promote happiness and well being are good.
The ultimate standard of truth is NOT a God. The ultimate standard of truth is reality.
a science stopper is " a hypothesis that makes no testable or useful predictions and therefore prevents any science from being performed based on that hypothesis.
" a common example of this would be the claim that god(s) created our universe.
having no way of telling "created" universes apart from "non-created" universes prevents the claim from ever being verified or from being debunked.
Serriously Prologos, if you're going to take the time to write something - at least have the decency to complete your thoughts. No one knows what you're talking about when you write only half sentences.
Maybe you just need to move to new surroundings all together. If possible.
hard questions lead to problematic answers.
"tricky, complicated, and controversial.).
emotions stem from values and values are personal.
I'm wondering if the Amalekites would agree with you
The plight of the Amalekites is one shared all throughout the ages. One need look no futher than the atrocities committed in Syria by ISIS, the genocide in Kosvo, or the mass graves filled with Tutsis in Rawanda to see the destructive patterns of religion. All thoughout the ages we have seen one religious group trying to exterminate another religious group. The Amalakites certianly aren't the only group of people that have had genocide committed against them by another religious group.
I stand by my statment, " While religion does cause a lot of strife - there is no destructive action that is unique to only one religion."
i'm not sure of their motivation, but here they are in all their finery:.
Nothing says modesty and a vow of poverty like . . . a fashion show? Maybe they're raising money for their monestary or something.
so recently, several over-righteous ones in the cong were discussing "how amazing it felt when they got baptised".
statements like "how awesome did it feel as you got raised back out of the water?!".
or the classic "i felt so close to jehovah as i came out of the pool"!.
a science stopper is " a hypothesis that makes no testable or useful predictions and therefore prevents any science from being performed based on that hypothesis.
" a common example of this would be the claim that god(s) created our universe.
having no way of telling "created" universes apart from "non-created" universes prevents the claim from ever being verified or from being debunked.
Things which don't exist and things for which there is no evidence appear identical. Until such a time as there is evidence we reject claims. Rejecting such claims is not "not even wrong." All beliefs are provisional. When we have a reason to change our minds we do so at that time. We don't just accept things and hope they will turn out to be true later. And rejecting a claim doesn't mean you're taking the opposite side. You can reject two opposing propositions simultaneously - I am niether convinced that there is a creator nor am I convinced that there is no creator.
hard questions lead to problematic answers.
"tricky, complicated, and controversial.).
emotions stem from values and values are personal.
Terry, I appreciate that you're attempting to get people to think - but asking a loaded questions is NOT the way to do it.
"In terms of race, who are these people?" The only possible way to 'correctly' answer this question is to list a race. However, when we see rioting it is never done by a single race. The question cannot be answered in terms of race. It is an inadequate metric to address the situation. You can't use a tape measure to figure out the color of a wall. You can't use race to figure out what's causing the riots.
The same problem exists with your question about religion. While religion does cause a lot of strife - there is no destructive action that is unique to only one religion. While abortion clinic bombings are often committed by Christians - they are not ALWAYS committed by Christians. Suicide bombings in croweded market places are often committed my Muslims. But they are not ALWAYS committed by Muslims.
a science stopper is " a hypothesis that makes no testable or useful predictions and therefore prevents any science from being performed based on that hypothesis.
" a common example of this would be the claim that god(s) created our universe.
having no way of telling "created" universes apart from "non-created" universes prevents the claim from ever being verified or from being debunked.
A Science Stopper is " a hypothesis that makes no testable or useful predictions and therefore prevents any science from being performed based on that hypothesis." A common example of this would be the claim that God(s) created our universe. Having no way of telling "created" universes apart from "non-created" universes prevents the claim from ever being verified or from being debunked.
When he theoretical physicist Wolfgang Pauli was presented with untestable hypothesis by his students he would use the phrase, "It's not only not right - it's not even wrong." When you make a prediction and that claim is shown to be right or shown to be wrong there is an increase in knowledge. However, when the claim cannot be tested there is noting gained. It's just an empty ad hoc. While these sorts of things make for great premises for a movie plot (e.g. The Matrix) they sever no function for making determinations about reality.
When someone says 'you're not even wrong' it implies that "not only are you not making a valid point in a discussion, but you don't even understand the nature of the discussion itself , or the things that need to be understood in order to participate."